Ways To Measure Research
Although young computer scientists are told that they need to produce
research results, no exact requirements are specified.
Instead, researchers are usually given vague encouragement to achieve
something ``significant'' or have ``high quality publications''
without any precise explanation of what it means.
To a junior researcher, it may seem that there is a conspiracy among
senior people -- that they have some secret way of evaluating research
but are unwilling to reveal it.
After all, one is likely to hear a vague statement such as, ``research
simply means accumulating knowledge''
or the less clever:
``It's difficult to define, but I know good research when I see it.''
The reason a junior staff member cannot obtain a more precise
explanation of how to measure research is that no single explanation exists.
Instead, there are a variety of measures -- each group tends to use
a measure that maximizes their goals.
Indeed, someone wants to make a point in favor or against a person,
they choose a measure that helps.
If you are a junior researcher, this guide is for you.
It lists measures, explains each, and gives the actual facts.
Knowing the list will help you impress others when you talk about research
and will help you avoid pitfalls.
Journal Paper Approach
(preferred by journal publishers)
N, the total number of papers published.
A researcher who generates a new idea writes a paper which is then
reviewed by peers and eventually published in an archive journal.
Thus, number of papers is a measure of productivity.
Actual Facts:
Publication standards vary widely, with some conferences and journals
accepting all submissions, and others accepting only a few.
More important, almost all research is useless; no one really reads
the papers.
(One study estimates that on the average, a given research paper is
read by .5 people, with the number being skewed upward by the few papers
that are read by thousands).
Although they claim otherwise, tenure committees use this measure
because it's much easier to count papers than assess their merit.
Note that people with gray hair are especially fond of this measure because
they win by citing it -- their personal value of N is much higher than a
young researcher's.
When using this measure, don't brag about co-authors because credit is
reduced when a paper has multiple authors.
Rate Of Publication Approach
(preferred by young researchers)
N/T, the ratio of total papers published to the time in which they were
Paper count is insufficient because it doesn't measure productivity --
if a researcher publishes 10 papers in one year, they are extremely
productive, but if they publish 10 papers in a lifetime, they are
extremely unproductive.
Actual Facts:
A researcher's publication rate varies over time; the real peaks
occur just before an individual is considered for promotion, and
the rate usually tapers off dramatically in the years before retirement.
Thus, as a researcher ages, they stop talking about N/T, and
revert to measuring N.
Tenure committees are wary of anyone who cites this measure.
Besides, be realistic -- a bunch of gray-haired, old guys are
not going to reward you for a high rate when they themselves are
facing a rate that has fallen off.
Weighted Publication Approach
(preferred by accreditation agencies)
W, the sum of the weights assigned to published papers.
Because some papers represent more intellectual achievement than
others, each paper should assigned a weight proportional to its quality.
Instead of counting papers, the sum of the weights should be used.
For example, non-research papers can be assigned a zero or near-zero
Actual Facts:
Instead of assessing each individual paper, people who use this method
merely assign each journal a weight according to its prestige, and then
use the value for any paper that appears in the journal.
Of course, the prestige of a journal varies over time, and there is no
such thing as a journal in which all papers are of uniform quality,
but that doesn't seem to matter.
The beauty of the measure is that given a set of publication,
one can choose weights to make the list look good or bad.
When discussing this measure, remember that the choice of weights is arbitrary,
and that although an individual may present evidence to justify their choice,
in the end everyone seems to favor a set of weight that gives their personal
publication list a high ranking.
Millions Of Monkeys Approach
(preferred by government granting agencies)
G, the total amount of taxpayer money distributed for research.
Given a long enough time, a random set of researchers banging away on
keyboards will eventually write a paper about something that will benefit
the country.
To stimulate more researchers to produce more papers, the
government collects proposals, and gives money to the ``best''.
Obviously, giving more money will, therefore, stimulate more papers,
which will increase the benefit to the country.
Actual Facts:
The grant system is closer to a lottery than a national benefit.
To ensure that everything is ``equal'', government agencies often follow a
political agenda, meaning that the probability of obtaining a grant can
depend on such factors as the size of one's institution, its geographic
location, race, and gender.
In the extreme case, an applicant will receive a letter informing them
that they have been selected for a grant, but need to revise their
proposal because the scientific content is unacceptable.
Don't take it personally one way or the other -- being awarded a government
grant does not necessarily mean you have a great idea, nor does the denial of
a government grant mean the idea is worthless.
Direct Funding Approach
(preferred by department heads)
D, the total dollars of grant funds acquired by a researcher.
Researchers who are awarded grants for the research must have good ideas
(or the granting agency would not have awarded the money).
Thus, more money must mean more ideas.
Actual Facts:
Department Heads are only interested in impressing Deans and
Department Heads at other institutions -- they love to brag about the
total dollars of grant funds brought in by all members of their
Unfortunately, the amount of grants funds that can be collected depends
more on the amount available than the quality of proposed research.
Governments hand out more when their coffers are overflowing (or when
doing so has some political advantage); industry gives out much more
when profits are high (or when they can get a tax write off).
Again, don't read too much into grants -- no matter what anyone says, the
amount of money you receive (little or much) is not always proportional
to the quality of your ideas.
Indirect Funding Approach
(preferred by university administrators)
O, the total overhead dollars generated.
When a researcher is awarded N dollars of government grant money, 1/3 of
it is designated as ``indirect cost'' or ``overhead'' that pays for
such things as office space, electricity, and accountants that keep
track of expenditures on the grant.
Overhead is a measure of how much the researcher has brought to the
Actual Facts:
Office space is needed with or without a grant, and large research institutions
already have accounting procedures and systems in place.
Thus, indirect costs are merely a way for the institution to rake off money
from research grants.
Equipment grants are exempt from indirect cost, so don't brag to an
administrator about a big equipment grant -- they will not be impressed.
Also, remember that indirect cost is generated when money is spent, not
when it is awarded.
Thus, if you spend grant money in January instead of December, the overhead
will count toward the new year and not the old.
Bottom Line Approach
(preferred by industrial research labs)
P, the profit generated by patents or products that result from the research.
An industry creates a research lab to benefit the business units, not simply
as a way to spend excessive profits.
Thus, in the industrial world, it makes sense to measure research by how
it helps the bottom line.
Actual Facts:
Almost no research has any real effect on the company profits.
Even if a research idea eventually makes its way into a product, the revenue
generated depends much more on marketing than on the quality of the
underlying idea (there is even some evidence of an inverse relationship
between product quality and profit).
Revenue is a terrible measure of research quality because stupid or
trivial ideas often generate the most profit; don't assume an idea
has any scientific merit just because it makes money, and don't assume
otherwise if it does not.
Assessment Of Impact Approach
(preferred by the handful of researchers who actually achieve something)
I/R, Ratio of the impact of the work to the amount of resources used
to generate it.
The ``impact'' of research on the field provides a good overall measure
of value.
One might ask questions such as:
Did the work affect others?
or Is the work cited and used?
However, to make comparison fair, one cannot compare research performed
by a team of twenty four researchers working at a large industrial lab using
equipment that costs ten million dollars to the research performed by an
individual working on weekends with no staff.
Thus, to make a fair assessment, compute the ratio of impact to resources.
Actual Facts:
Both impact and resources are difficult to measure.
More important, it is unfortunate that ``big science'' often appears to
have more impact simply because it generates more publicity.
Note that although this measure is the most fair, it is unpopular.
Administrators dislike the measure because the amount of funding --
the item they wish to emphasize -- appears in the denominator, meaning
that a researcher who achieves a given impact with fewer grant funds receives
a higher evaluation under this measure!
Most researchers dislike the measure as well because it emphasizes output
over input -- it is much easier to obtain funding than to
produce results that have any real impact.
If your research doesn't look good under the measure in use, maybe it's time to
change the measure!